Fierce Harmony: An Ode to Malay Women
This artwork explores the profound connection between the Malayan tiger and Malay women, symbolizing shared traits of strength and bravery. The Malayan tiger, known for its silent yet powerful presence, reflects the quiet resilience of Malay women who often work tirelessly behind the scenes. Despite facing challenges in women's empowerment, Malay women possess inherent strength and resilience, symbolized by their ability to make a significant impact when they raise their voices and take action. The background of the artwork features harmonious curved lines, mangrove hills, and morning scenes, symbolizing a new dawn and the pursuit of a brighter future.
Project: HONOR Talents 2022 | Inspire The Future
Project Type: Global Design Award
Software: Adobe Photoshop
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Forte: Fierce Harmony


Forte: Fierce Harmony
